
Desktop Computers
The Whitefish Bay Public Library provides 8 computers for adults to use. These computers are PCs with Windows 10/11 and include the Microsoft Suite (Word, Excel, Publisher, Powerpoint). Patrons are allowed two hours each day on our desktop computers with a valid library card in good standing, with the ability to extend 1 hour. Adult computers are for use by patrons 14 years and older. For children (13 and under) the library has 6 desktop computers that have a time limit of one hour each day.

Laptop Computers
The library owns 5 PC laptop computers for in-library use. These have the same capabilities as our desktop computers, and checkout is free. To check out a laptop, you must have a valid library card in good standing. You must also fill out a laptop agreement form the first time you check one out.

We also have 3 laptops that can be checked out and can leave the building. To check one of these out, you must sign a form saying the laptop will be used for work, job searching, or school.

Chrome Books
For patrons in 5th-12th grade, we have 6 Chromes for in-library use. These can be checked out at the Youth Services Desk.