
thumbnail Virtual Edible Book Festival

by Scott Lenski on April 8, 2020
Tags: edible () , programs ()

The Edible Book Festival returns, this time in virtual form. Have you always wanted to participate, but couldn’t find the time? Then this is your year! Make an edible creation, or check out the creativity of others!

What is an Edible Book?
An edible book is an item that looks like a book, puns on a title, refers to a character, or just has something to do with books. The only rule is that entries must be made from edible ingredients. Edible Book Festivals have been held all over the world, and there is array of examples found online. The festival started as a celebration to commemorate the birthday of French gastronome Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826), famous for his book Physiologie du goût, a witty meditation on food.  The Edible Book Festival is usually held around April 1. 

How do I participate? 
The Edible Book Festival is open to anyone: the young, the old, and everyone in between. Make your edible book and get us photos of your creation by Monday, April 20. Email photos (along with the names of those participated) to or message your photos to us on our Facebook page.

Photos will be posted on Facebook and library blog. A panel of judges will pick winners in these categories:
Best in Show
Best Pun/Play on Words
Most Edible
Best Engineering
Most Creative Use of Ingredients

Fan favorite
On April 21, visit our Facebook page and like your favorite edible books throughout the week. The edible book with the most likes will be awarded the title fan favorite, along with bragging rights!

What can I make as an entry for the festival?
Need some inspiration for an entry? Make your very own edible book depicting your favorite book character. You can also take a cherished title and turn it into a pun (think “Much Ado About Muffins”). Or just make an entry that looks like a book or book cover. Still in need of inspiration? Search the web for “edible book festival.”

Check out our previous years for inspiration: