Photo Contest


1. This contest is open to AMATEUR* photographers of any age.
(*Amateur is defined as not receiving payment for photo services in the past 3 years).

2. Each participant may only submit one photo per category.

3. Photos must have been taken within the last calendar year. Do not re-enter photos you submitted in a previous contest.

4. All photos must be submitted in print form. Prints must be 8x10. No mounts, mats or frames allowed.

5. Deadline for photo submissions is end of the day on Wednesday, September 11.

6. Pick up at entry form at the reference desk or here online and attach it to the back of the photo with the following information:

Phone Number
Location of subject or object in photo
Photo Orientation (Draw an arrow to show which side is up)

7. Kids can enter either in the kids category and submit one photo or compete against adults in the other categories.

8. By entering the contest, you understand that your photo may used to promote and publicize future library photo contests or the library itself.

9.If your photo is not chosen as a winner, you may come back and claim your photo after November 1. Stop by the reference desk to claim your photos.


PLEASE read carefully to determine the category for your photo.

  • Travel or Landscape
  • People or Portrait
  • Architecture- Buildings, Bridges, Structures
  • Nature- Animals, Flowers, Outdoors, Weather, Etc
  • Still Life- Anything Not Listed Above
  • Black & White - Any Subject
  • Close-up or Macro
  • Photo Manipulation
  • Kids Category- Voluntary (Open to anyone under 17. Kids can enter either in the kids category and submit one photo or compete against adults in the other categories.)
  • Entries by Staff and Family (No cash prize)

Judges reserve the right to re-categorize any submission if deemed necessary.

Each photo will be judged for impact, composition and quality of lighting.


One entry will be awarded BEST IN SHOW for a cash prize of $250.

Winners will be awarded in each of the categories:
First place- $50 Check
Second place- $25 Check
Third place- $10 Check

Honorable mentions and/or a Big Wow award may be awarded at judges’ discretion. Winners at each level may not be guaranteed.

Winners will be contacted shortly after the conclusion of judging approximately in the end of September. All winners will be on display at the library through 2025.

See the winners for our 7th Annual Photography Contest.